9:30 am

Program Description & Details

Bring your class for a free guided tour of the B.C. Parliament Buildings. Guided tours provide an overview of the history of the Parliament Buildings and the role of the Legislative Assembly. 

For Grades: 
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Maximum Students: 
Offered In French: 
Program Description & Details

Discover the stories of a diverse fishing, canning, and boat building community at the scenic Britannia Shipyards National Historic Site on the shores of the Fraser River. This one-hour guided tour is led by a Heritage Interpreter, and includes introductions to the heritage buildings which illustrated the living and working conditions of the communities that made Steveston the special place it is today.

For Grades: 
8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Maximum Students: 
Offered In French: 
Contact Us
Program Description & Details

Explore the historic houses and engage in story time and eye-spy activities to learn about Steveston's unique cultural community. Students will participate in a shopping relay game while representing a family that may have lived in this community. Experience what life may have been like for the workers, families and children from diverse cultures who lived and worked here together. 

For Grades: 
1, 2, 3
Months Available: 
Days Offered: 
Maximum Students: 
Offered In French: 
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Program Description & Details

Investigate Steveston's history of immigrant workers from 1890 to 1940 through role-play. Students 'research" people's lives as newspaper reporters, by unpacking artefacts, creating a timeline and exploring the heritage buildings at Britannia Shipyards National Heritage Site. *Please note: This program will be offered until the end of March 2024. A new version with same themes will be offered starting April 1, 2024. More information to come.

For Grades: 
4, 5, 6
Months Available: 
Days Offered: 
Maximum Students: 
Offered In French: 
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Program Description & Details

Many of the big decisions we face as individuals, communities, or nations don’t have a correct answer. Making these decisions can be extremely challenging, as we grapple with information and misinformation, our own conscience, and strong opposing opinions. In the face of climate change, many of these decisions become even more challenging. In this program, students are tasked with deciding whether or not to approve a project that would have impacts on global scale. We go step by step through the process, conducting research, mapping out consequences, and ultimately: deciding.

Curricular Connections: 

During this program, students will learn about the perspectives of local Indigenous peoples in the context of this project proposal. This program also has strong ties to social studies, as students learn about the connections between the physical environment and political change. Students will explore evidence-based decision making through science, the impact of technologies, how humans impact climate change, and how climate change impacts the environment. Most importantly, students will be better prepared to be civically engaged in our increasingly complex world.

Online Booking Form Here! 


For Grades: 
8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Days Offered: 
Maximum Students: 
Offered In French: 
Program Description & Details

Since early migration until now, Chinese Canadians have had and continue to have diverse and complex relationships with Canada. Racial discrimination against Chinese Canadians was prevalent during the creation of the nation, yet their individual voices and experiences are often left out of the historical narrative. In this three-part field trip consisting of a visit to the Chinese Canadian Museum, the Dr. Sun Yat Sen Classical Chinese Garden, as well as a mini Chinatown walking tour, students will explore the endurance of Vancouver Chinatown and the resilience of the Chinese Canadian community through stories of food, community, and activism.

This field trip for Gr 9 and 10 is hosted collaboratively in partnership by the Chinese Canadian Museum and Dr Sun Yat-Sen Chinese Garden, and features research and content development by the UBC Initiative for Student Teaching and Research in Chinese Canadian Studies (UBC INSTRCC)

Please see chinatownexisting.wordpress.com for more details.

Half Day
For Grades: 
9, 10, 11, 12
Days Offered: 
Maximum Students: 
Offered In French: 
Program Description & Details

Discover Richmond’s diverse cultures by exploring multicultural winter celebrations, from First Nations to European and Asian traditions. Unwrap mystery presents that hold clues about these cultural winter celebrations, explore the Family Treasures exhibition for clues about winter celebrations and make a Victorian Christmas craft.

For more information and to register, please visit our website

For Grades: 
K, 1, 2, 3
Months Available: 
Times Offered: 
Maximum Students: 
Offered In French: 
Program Description & Details

The River Champions outreach program is available for students in grades 3-12, located in schools within the Fraser River Basin boundary. 

Grades 3-5  

Students explore the basics of climate science and river processes. Using a stream table model, students model different climate change scenarios and design infrastructure that could mitigate the damage caused by climate change. 

Grades 6-12  

Students discuss connections between climate change and land management practices, both traditional Indigenous and current industrial. Using a stream table model, students model different climate change scenarios and design infrastructure that could mitigate the damage caused by climate change. For the optional action project, students research how their communities may be susceptible to extreme weather events and climate change, and present their findings using ArcGIS Story Maps. A follow-up online workshop connects students to knowledge holders.

We’re a proud partner of GenAction; a national initiative designed to inspire youth to become innovative leaders in climate action now, and into the future. Visit GenAction for details.

Click here to book!

For Grades: 
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Maximum Students: 
Offered In French: 
Program Description & Details

Get outside and get a custom taste of what the farm is all about! If you are interested in a field trip longer than two hours or would like to work with our Experiential Learning Manager to craft a program to meet your learning objectives, get in touch and we will get in touch to figure out how we can help make it happen! 

See notes.
For Grades: 
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Months Available: 
Days Offered: 
Times Offered: 
Maximum Students: 
Offered In French: 
Program Description & Details

Climate change and biodiversity loss are major threats to our food system, and unjust labour practices in the food sector contribute to poverty and oppression in our communities, but there is a way forward! See how regenerative agriculture and projects like Fresh Roots can improve food system by supporting both the ecosystem we are part of and the people who grow our food, and help build a truly sustainable food system!

See notes.
For Grades: 
10, 11, 12
Months Available: 
Days Offered: 
Times Offered: 
Maximum Students: 
Offered In French: 
Program Description & Details

Hosted through video conference software, an FRDC educator will lead your students through a fully interactive program, engaging them with the material by utilizing the latest tools in online and remote education. 

Learn about all sturgeon from both an Indigenous and Western Science Perspective.

Did you know there’s a 6-meter-long, 100-year-old fish living in the Fraser River? Learn all about the endangered white sturgeon through interactive activities, with both Indigenous and Western science perspectives. Students will listen to a First Nation’s story about sturgeon, construct theories from available research, and communicate their learning through art.

To participate in this program, you will need:

  • A stable internet connection.
  • The ability to join the video conference with the FRDC educator.

Curricular connections:

This program incorporates the First Peoples Principles of Learning, specifically that learning is relational; recognizes the role of indigenous knowledge; is embedded in story; and requires recognizing the consequences of one’s actions. This program supports science competencies through analyzing data and constructing theories, and applying First people’s perspectives. This program supports the ELA Big Idea that stories help us make connections with others and the world. And this program supports the Arts Education competency of expressing feelings, ideas, stories, observations, and experiences through the arts.

For more information, visit our website or email us. 

Online booking form here.

For Grades: 
4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Days Offered: 
Maximum Students: 
Offered In French: 
Program Description & Details

Invite OWL (Orphaned Wildlife) Rehabilitation Society to join you in your classroom to learn about the amazing species of raptors that call BC home, the features and adaptations that make them unique, their life cycles, and about the dangers they face and how you can help. You also get the chance to meet some of OWL’s Raptor Ambassadors up close in person! Each program will be focused to each grade level that is participating.

Have a specific topic in mind? We are more than happy to work with you to make the program you are looking for. Some popular requests include focusing on a specific species, such as owls or just hawks, life cycles, or food chains.


For Grades: 
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Maximum Students: 
Offered In French: 
Program Description & Details

Come to Rope Runner Aerial Park this season to experience the unique aerial activity! Rope Runner provides a safe environment for students to push their limits, gain self-confidence, develop problem-solving skills, communication and team spirit. While simultaneously building on their curriculum core competencies.

How does it work? 

  • After a brief introduction and a safety briefing, your group will have full reign of the rope course to explore and challenge themselves across 50 fun elements such as suspended bridges, cargo nets, climbing walls, zip rides and more! 

  • The safety system always keeps everyone safe and secured and our Guides are consistently roaming in the park to provide tips and tricks and help out as needed.

  • Climbers are creating their own adventures, at their own pace within their capacity and can stop playing at any time. The park is suited for all skill levels.


Age and Height requirements

In order for a student to climb they must:

  • Be at least 7 years old and be 124cm (49 inches) tall *

  • Be at least 10 years old and be 139cm (55 inches) tall to climb alone in the park **


* The child to adult chaperone ratio for children under 55″ tall is 2:1
** Children under 19 years of age must have a consenting parent or legal guardian sign their release of liability waiver

See notes.
For Grades: 
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Months Available: 
Maximum Students: 
Offered In French: 
Contact Us
Program Description & Details

Title:  Talaysay's Talking Trees – Student Program (K to Grade 12)

Welcome to our Talaysay  TALKING TREES PROGRAM. 

Type of Program:  Student Indigenous Walking Tour - Ecology

Tour Description:  This is a walking tour in Stanley Park. Your Talaysay guides-ambassadors will take you on a forest walk and teach the rich stories and history of the land while you learn how the trees and plants are used by indigenous people for both food and medicine.  Learn to identify a variety of indigenous plants and tree species  so when you venture into the forest you too will know what is edible, medicinal and adaptable for technology.   Emphasis on Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Sustainable Practices and Ecology. 

Date of TourTuesday to Friday

Start Time:  10:00 am   End Time:  11:30 am    Duration:  1.5 hrs  We can book custom times between 9 am and 10:30 am for the morning tour and 12:00 pm and 1:30 pm for the Afternoon Tour.

Includes:  Guide-Ambassador-Instructor.  At times we have a co-guide, a trainer and or a trainee. The tour is rich with Indigenous stories and interpretation.  Students have the opportunity to discuss and ask questions during the tour and or in the last 15 minutes of the tour.  

Student Rate with 20 or more participants:  $18.00 pp plus gst (This Rate is for K to 12 Students Only). 

With 20+ students, 2 teachers or adult volunteers are complimentary.  When there are less than 20 students, the base rate is $360 plus gst $18.00.  Total:  $378.00 

Primary Location:  Stanley Park:

This tour meets at the Stanley Park bus loop which is accessible by car, taxi, bus or by foot. Our guide will meet you under the gazebo in the bus loop. Please note, if driving by car, the parking lot is all pay parking. If taking the public bus, it is the #19 bus to Stanley Park and it is the last stop.  
If traveling by school bus, the driver can drop the students off then park at the designated bus parking in Stanley Park.  
Please provide yourself plenty of time to arrive and find your guide.

Other Locations:  When planned in advance, our guides could travel to a forest area near your school.  Review of the site for safety, access and diversity in indgenous plants is required.  

Inquiring and Bookings:  Please email admin@talaysay.com or info@talaysay.com and or contact us at 1-800-605-4643 (Toll Free) or 604-628-8555 (Vancouver line)

Our Programs In Summary


Talking Trees Walk - In Person and Virtual via Zoom

Indigenous Forest Walk - In Person and Virtual via Zoom (extended program of Talking Trees; includes Wellness)


Spoken Treasures  In Person and Virtual via Zoom


Talking Totems - In Person and Virtual via Zoom

Indigenous Story Telling - In Person and Virtual via Zoom


Forest Therapy Walk - external guide

Land-Basked Learning - currently offered virtually

Company:  Talaysay Tours   Book on line at:  https://www.aboriginalecotours.com/

Our Tours:  Virtual and in Person

1. talking trees - nature    (90 min)

2. indigenous forest walk (in person only) (2.5 hrs)

2. spoken treasures - history (75 min)

3. talking totems - art  (60 min)

4. storytelling - art and culture (60 min)

5. land-based learning - outdoor education  (2 hours

6. custom virtual tours and seminars

Virtual Links to Review and Book:  https://www.aboriginalecotours.com/tours/community/talking-trees-tour-st...


In Person Programs:



Locations:  Vancouver, North Shore, Squamish


Dates and Times:  can be customized with groups.


Wishing you a great week ahead and look forward to planning further with you both.


Land Basked Learning


Talking Totems


Spoken Treasures


Talaysay Virtual Tours




Christine Elliot - Manager - admin@talaysay.com 

Candace Campo – Operator Lead Guide and Teacher

Talaysay Tours - Authentic Cultural Experiences & Aboriginal co Tours 

www.aboriginalecotours.com (on-line booking) 


For Grades: 
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Days Offered: 
Maximum Students: 
Offered In French: 
Program Description & Details

Get a taste of local food and agriculture on the North Shore! The Edible Garden Project invites secondary classes to explore Loutet Farm while learning more about subjects such as food security, global supply chains, agroecology, climate change... and more! Students will explore the unique landscape of North Vancouver and our own role within these systems, alongside the EGP's role in the community through a guided tour and seasonal hands-on activities.

Note that there are several different areas of concentration available for this tour. Teachers can choose from the following themes: food security & global perspectives; environmental stewardship & sustainability; biodiversity; climate change; Indigenous perspectives.

For Grades: 
8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Months Available: 
Maximum Students: 
Offered In French: 


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